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Pray, Trust and Wait!

I wrote the below in my journal on August 2, 2018.

Today, I realize how necessary it is for me to spend time with the Lord everyday. While reading "Jesus is Calling" I feel the presence of the Lord all around me. The Lord wants the sacrifice of our time. The world is always busy and moves so fast, but we need to stop, listen to the voice of God and obey him. I have been hearing in my spirit, Pray, Wait, Trust, & Obey. I have so many desires, one being, a new job and I'm applying and nothing is happening yet. Therefore, my faith tells me to be patient and trust God. He's never failed me yet. I am happy to say I started my new job on July 29, 2019. Almost 1 year from the date of my prayer request. God answers in His own time, and his time is right. Whatever you are asking God for, just continue to Pray, Trust, Wait, and most importantly Obey. Spend time with God daily by reading his Word. You will be blessed abundantly.

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