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I would like to share a personal testimony in hopes that this will help someone else. My father was diagnosed with cancer on Dec 12, 2019. He refused treatment and I had to accept that. My father lived in Chicago, and I lived in Las Vegas. However, I visited him in Jan, Feb, and I had plans of visiting him again in March and in April for his birthday. I wanted to spend as much time with my father as I possibly could. Well, Coronavirus hit and the world was shut down. I could not go visit my father in March. His hospice nurse told me I needed to get there if I could, because my father did not have much time. The cancer was getting worse and my dad was declining. Now mind you, Chicago was a hotspot for the coronavirus. And it was not safe for anyone to travel anywhere. I prayed and asked God to let me see my father again, and let me be with him when he takes his last breath. I held on to my faith, and I believed in my heart that God would not allow me to get sick or get the coronavirus while going to see my dad. That is not the God I know and serve. I am happy to say, my husband and I arrived in Chicago on Friday, April 17 which was my fathers birthday. When I walked in my fathers room he was sleeping and looked tired and worn out. I stepped close to my fathers face and I said,

" Hi Dad" and he opened his eyes and looked up at me with a big smile on his face and said, "my baby came for my birthday". It was a tradition for my dad and I to spend his birthday together. He celebrated his birthday every year for the past 15 years with me and my daughter in Las Vegas.

I sat and held my dad's hand for hours. I told him how much I loved him, and how much I appreciated him. My dad and I were very close and we knew this day was coming, I just did not expect it to come so soon. My father died 5 days later as I held him in my arms. God had answered my prayer, he not only allowed me to see my father again, but he also allowed me to stay and be with him when he took his last breaths. I never thought I would have the strength to do such a thing, but with God all things are possible! I had prayed fervently, and trusted God to get me to Chicago to say my final goodbyes to my dad, and to return me and my husband back home to Las Vegas safely and healthy. My faith is stronger now, and I will continue to have faith in God!

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